Women of the new millennium are more vulnerable to the pressure of ever changing environment and hectic lifestyles.
Aging is a disease that starts at age 25 without any warning sign. This is the beginning of the sub-clinical phase of the disease and will last about 10 years. There are no outward signs or symptoms, but inside the cell, free radical damage has already begun.
Pearl Beauty supplies a woman with a balanced blend of health foods that are designed to work together in synergistic harmony. It includes a superb blend of the most important herbs for women's health.
We all want to stay healthy – something to get us through the next workout or stay alert for the mid-afternoon slump at work, or maybe we just need to focus a little more clearly on the task at hand.
Looking for effective supplement that contribute the women’s needs?
Then try Pearl Beauty! We wish the very best of health to you every day.
As one of God’s special creatures, women have unique bodily structure. Unfortunately, they are prone to several disorders as follows:
- Rapid skin aging, lost of skin elasticity and glow
- Premenstrual syndromes (emotional changes, irritability and mood swings)
- Vaginal and urinary tract infections
- Skin problems (Acne, skin blemishes & freckles)
- Menopausal & postmenopausal related symptoms
- Increased bodily fatigue
- Abnormal breasts development
- Sagging breasts
Majority of women are often confused and take lightly the effects of the above maladies which over time may lead to serious health problems. The major cause of these conditions are often linked to hormonal imbalances in women’s body.
PEARL BEAUTY is a special remedy made of natural sources for the general well-being and rejuvenating formula among today’s women. It contains Pueraria Mirifica, Manjakani Extract, Labisia Pumila, Wild Yam Extract, Pearl Powder, Sireh Extract, Passion Fruit Extract and Hydrolyzed Collagen. It consists all natural ingredients without any preservatives, chemical substances, harmful drugs and artificial colorings. What utmost important is that it possesses no known side effects.
We’ve got great news, we have created PEARL BEAUTY
Pearl Beauty is specially designed for today’s women. Please do not be surprised if you expect health benefits as follows with the consumption of Pearl Beauty, a complete formulation which help you to reveal your beauty from inside out. You deserve it!
You can take the Pearl Beauty pouches with you anywhere and simply add the contents to water.
This refreshing passion-flavored drink will give you an immediate energy boost that lasts for hours and naturally wears off at the end of your day.
- Improve vitality, energy and restore libido
- Alleviate premenstrual syndromes, menopausal and postmenopausal symptoms
- Counter the symptoms caused by hormonal imbalances in women
- Restore the breasts tissue by enhancing and firming to its natural beauty and beautify the hips
- Eliminates acne, spots and skin blemishes
- Prevent rapid skin aging and remove freckles
- Enhance skin texture and tone the skin tissue
- Give you a glowing, radiant complexion
- Regenerate the skin all over the body
- Improve hair, nails, teeth
- Stimulate your own collagen production
- Help you to sleep
- Restore vaginal lubrication and tone
- Prevent vaginal and bladder infection
- Rejuvenate the womb and reducing wrinkles from the tummy after childbirth
- Reduce the risk of heart diseases, arteriosclerosis and postmenopausal osteoporosis
- Alleviate diabetes, high blood pressure and eyesight diseases (cataract, glaucoma, far-sightedness and eye nerves deterioration)
- Reduces joint stiffness and arthritis
- Aids repair and regeneration of ligaments, tendons, joints and bones
- Promote good digestive health
Direction Of Usage
Week 1 :
Mix 1 sachet of Pearl Beauty with 150ml water in the morning before breakfast, 1 sachet of Pearl Beauty before dinner.
Week 2 :
Mix 1 sachet of Pearl Beauty with 150ml water in the morning before breakfast or before dinner.
Week 3 and above :
Consume 1 sachet of Pearl Beauty with 150ml water on alternate day.
For Maximum Results :
Consume 2 sachets of Pearl Beauty daily for 3 consecutive weeks.
Main Ingredients
1) Pueraria Mirifica
- Grows at Thailand and South East Asia
- As traditional medicine tool to maintain youthfulness
- Contains natural substances, Phytoestrogen (plant natural estrogen) including isoflavones, miroestrol and its derivatives
- Effective to beautify skin, remain young, delay aging, stimulate hair growth, firm breast, obtain hormonal balance among women and prevent menopausal syndrome
2) Manjakani Extract
- Tannin-Contract & firm vagina, abdomen & uterus-Improve muscle tone & restore elasticity
- Anti – Inflammation-Heal external tissue damage-Reduce swelling & bruises
- Antiseptic-Reduce melanin formation -Prevent discoloration -Protect from cancer
- Astringent-Reduce excessive discharge-Eliminate unpleasant odour
- Other functions-Improve bowel movement-Blood circulation -Hormone balance -Energy
3) Labisia Pumila (Kacip Fatimah)
- Astringent Activity-Fastens delivery process-Contracts vagina & uterus muscle-Trims body
- Increase Libido -Effective after childbirth -Boosts energy & strength-Treats disorders in the reproductive system
- Phytoestrogen content -Balances hormones -Regulates menstrual cycle -Eases & firm breast -Prevents depression after childbirth
- Antioxidant -Delays aging -Better skin complexion
- Anti- Inflammation -Reduces arthritis & muscle pain-Treats carbuncle
- Other Function -Relieves flatulence -Boosts immunity-Treats diarrhea -Restores damaged hair
4) Pearl Powder
- Has been used for medical usages in China for over 2,000 years
- Contains 18 amino acids & more than 12 minerals
- Purifies blood thus reduce skin blemishes
- Removes spots on skin and lightens the pigmentation
- Believed to speed up bone development and promote intelligence in babies when consumed by pregnant and lactating women
5) Wild Yam Extract
- Native to North and Central America
- Relieves menstrual cramps and symptoms of PMS
- Breast firming effect
- Eases the pain associated with endometriosis
- Contains Alkaloids, which are muscle relaxant, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory
6) Sireh Extract
- An important traditional medical approach in Malaysia, Asia, India and East Africa
- Contains Flavonoid and Polyphenol to tighten skin and prevent wrinkles
- Astringent content inside helps to shrink organic tissues
- Helps to restore tone and vigor in the vagina
- An Antiseptic to kill germ, bacteria and mould
7) Passion Fruit Extract
- Excellent source of Dietary Fibber
- It relieves muscle tension and anxiety.
- Is known to lower blood pressure.
- Has Somniferous properties, help relax and sleep during the night especially useful for nervous insomnia.
8) Hydrolyzed Collagen
- The fibrous structural protein that makes up the white fibers (collagenous fibers) of skin, tendon, bone, cartilage and all other connective tissues
- From about the age of 25 onwards, collagen diminishes in our bodies at a rate of about 1.5% a year
- Replace lost elasticity in the skin
- Regenerate the skin all over the body
Improve hair, nails, teeth - Stimulate your own collagen production
- Help you to sleep
- Give you a glowing, radiant complexion
- Aids repair and regeneration of ligaments, tendons, joints and bones